Title: Herman Miller LA Showroom Sketch

Info: Small hand made booklet which features the main pages of the “the herman miller collection” catalog from 1952. This prototype was used to discuss the final designs and to visualize a quick example of the actual planned catalog.

Artist: Myioko Sasaki

Year: 1959

Info: This informational drawing, created in 1959, convinces with its impressive size as a panorama sketch, but the drawing itself is also very intuitive and rich in detail. The thin tissue paper she chose highlights her masterful drawing skills.

The scenery shows all the important elements of the LA show- room. On display were the new Eames collection, as well as furniture designed by George Nelson, not to mention an impressive array of Alexander Girard textiles.

After the two Case Study Houses, Case Study House No. 8 (Eames House) and Case Study House No. 9 (Entenza House), the Eames Office designed the La Showroom. Like the two houses mentioned, the showroom is also very similar in its facade. Glass held together by a simple steel frame which in turn forms an interesting landscape pattern.

The work was drawn by Miyoko Sasaki, a former Eames Office employee who worked from 1959-1960. In early 1961 she returned to Japan.

She was on staff during the following projects:
Revell Toy House
Kaleidoscope Shop film
Time & Life Building International Lobby film Glimpses of the USA
HM showroom in LA
Fabulous Fifties films
Time & Life Building lobbies and chair Kaleidoscope Jazz Chair film
Introduction to Feedback film.

Medium: Ink sketch on thin tissue paper

Dimensions: Folded: 12 1/5 × 42 3/25 in ( 31cm × 107 cm)